
Ctrl Central - An Internet Haven for everyone

Made by: 1. Lazarus Anak Asay (D032210443) 2. Suresh a/l Kathigesu (D032210066) 3. Muhammad Haz mi bin Azman Shah (D032210399) 4. Datu Azrul Amri bin Mazlan (D032210004   INTRODUCTION These days, people are interconnected through the vast network of the Internet. In the heart of this digital landscape lies a place known as "Ctrl Centre", a modern cyber cafe. At Ctrl Centre, for 24 hours, we offer high-speed internet, immersive gaming setups, and a vibrant atmosphere coverage for both recreation and collaboration in the bustling landscape of cyberspace. 1. BUSINESS This section discusses the business aspect of our proposed cyber cafe. Ctrl Central wishes to run a legitimate and helpful business to provide help to the community. To use our services, we charge an hourly rate of RM5 for everyone. For those that require printing and scanning services, we charge RM0.10 for each paper and we will happily provide the necessary papers for printing. The cafe will provide 6 units of des...